
Meet The Women Building Communities That Inspire Inclusion

Mar 8, 2024
9 min

Their stories, influence, and accomplishments throughout the years have empowered women to pursue tech careers, narrowing the gender gap in STEM.

In spite of the advancements and efforts made towards bridging gender gap in the workplace, especially in the STEM field, women are still underrepresented in the career space.

A close look at data reveals that only 26.7% of tech-related jobs are held by women, with a 2.1% decrease in the total number of women in tech-related positions over recent years. Female participation rates in various STEM fields vary: math (47%), health (74%), physical science (40%), computer (25%), and engineering (15%). Moreover, women constitute only 28% of the STEM workforce. This disparity impedes diversity, inclusion, and the potential of the STEM industry. A lack of career growth opportunities, mentorship, unconscious bias and stereotypes are some of the reasons for this gap.

In Africa, the situation is even more dire, with less than 25% of higher education students pursuing STEM fields, of whom less than 30% are women. Factors contributing to this gap include inadequate infrastructure and resources, such as low access to electricity and internet connectivity.

The solution lies in boosting STEM awareness and access through targeted campaigns, community engagement programs, partnerships, targeted scholarships, mentorship using role models, and early exposure to STEM-based career opportunities.

For International Women’s Day 2024, we are spotlighting some female-focused communities in our ecosystem that are dedicated to upskilling women, providing resources for growth, and preparing them for the global workforce.

These communities, spread across various African countries, share the common goal of achieving inclusion and creating safe spaces for women to thrive. Here’s a breakdown of these communities in each region

A. East Africa

B. West Africa

C. Southern Africa

D. Pan African & Global

The reasons for community building among these women are similar: a deep-rooted passion for women’s empowerment, the desire to create inclusive spaces, and firsthand experiences in the tech industry, driving them to help others succeed.

While all these women have done remarkable work, we are highlighting the stories and impact of these 5 for International Women’s Day 2024.

Read all their amazing achievements below

1. MaryBlessing Okolie — Community Lead, She Code Africa (Pan Africa)

Why community building for women:

I have been helped by community during the cause of my career. This is one of the many reasons why I took building communities as a career. The goal for me always is to have a space where everyone can be equally represented, supported, and cherished.

What makes SCA Unique:

I like to say She Code Africa is the standard. Because we could, so many other women-focused communities have emerged and go ahead to doing really amazing stuff in the ecosystem. We have set a goal to empower a hundred thousand African women and girls in digital skills by 2030. Based on statistics from the Women Tech organization, 5 million women lost their job since the pandemic. Only 2.3% of women owned startups get funding. Only 6.3% of black women pursue a degree in STEM. Which reduces their chances of joining the Technology workforce. 25% of C-suite leaders are women and so forth.

I could keep listing these stats, and I would still get it right. But what we’re doing at She Code Africa is truly unique. Empowering and celebrating African women is what we thrive on. Over the last few years, we have touched the lives of 28, 573 African women and girls through our academy program, community events, and scholarship initiatives. Serving over 42k community members in 44 countries, covering the 5 regions in Africa. With a solid presence through our chapter program in 11 countries in Africa. And, we’re doing all these with the support of companies that believe in our vision. Including but not limited to: Google, Microsoft, Deimos Cloud, Mono, Give Internet, Bolt, FedEx, Propel, and more. It doesn’t go without mentioning our highlight event; SCA Summit. This event gathers 2k women in Africa to educate, inspire, and celebrate their achievements. You, too, can be a part of what we do. You, too can help an African girl or woman find her voice in STEM. To partner or donate, please visit:

Membership details:

Joining the She Code Africa community on Propel is pretty easy. Visit their community page to get started.

2. Susan Gatura — Founder, Phoenix Analytics (East Africa)

Why community building for women:

Embarking on the journey of community building with Phoenix KE Analytics has been a deeply personal endeavor for me. My motivation stems from firsthand experience navigating the challenges of entering the tech industry from a non-technical background. I intimately understand how daunting this journey can be and the transformative impact that guidance and support from others can have on one’s success.

What makes Phoenix Analytics unique:

Recognizing the profound need for a supportive network, Phoenix KE Analytics was conceived as a response to the difficulties I faced. Our community is not just a platform for technical discussions; it’s a
haven for individuals like me who aspire to thrive in the tech world despite non-traditional entry points. By fostering a community that provides mentorship and support, we aim to make the journey into technology more accessible and less intimidating for those with diverse backgrounds and unique paths.

Moreover, our commitment extends to creating an inclusive space that bridges the diversity gap in the tech industry. Beyond providing guidance to professionals, Phoenix KE Analytics actively welcomes students, those looking to pivot into tech, and aspiring data enthusiasts. We believe in the power of diversity to fuel innovation and are dedicated to inspiring the next generation of tech leaders. In essence, Phoenix KE Analytics is more than just a community; it’s a reflection of my personal journey and a collective effort to make technology a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone.

Membership details:

Click on this link to become a member.

3. Josephine Chinake — Founder, Girls In Tech Zimbabwe (Southern Africa)

Why community building for women

Josephine, with a background in consulting, pursued an MBA and subsequently chose to establish a community aimed at equipping more women in Zimbabwe with the necessary skills, resources, and mentorship to advance their careers in the tech industry. Engaging in various women-focused fellowships, she appreciates the transformative impact that communities can have on individuals’ lives. Thus, she was motivated to give back by founding a community specifically tailored to women in her country.

What makes GITZ unique:

Girls in Tech Zimbabwe was born to cultivate a vibrant community of STEAM professionals. Our mission? To forge a robust workforce by fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and co-creation.

Membership details:

To be a part of this community on Propel, fill out their membership form.

4. Innocencia Ndembera — Community Manager, Women InTech Malawi (East Africa)

Why community building for women:

I was one of the few ladies in my class at the time, and I didn’t have anyone to look up to as a role model. I didn’t have access to the opportunities or meaningful connections that could have helped me grow as a professional. It was a struggle, but it made me realize how much impact a supportive community can have. So I decided to create a community that has the resources and support that I wish I’d had. That dream has become a reality, and it’s been an incredible journey. I’ve met so many amazing people, and I’ve learned so much from them. I’m constantly inspired by the
members of my community, and I’m constantly in awe of what they’re capable of. This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to build a community that has made such a positive impact on my life and the lives
of others.

What makes Women InTech Malawi unique:

One major thing that we have done is complete a bootcamp which has trained about 60 ladies in different fields within the tech space. I am proud of the work that the community is doing and in the future we hope to partner with organizations, companies or anyone that’d offer these
ladies opportunities to work or any way that they’d use these skills that they are acquiring. This bootcamp was just the first and we hope to have a lot more in the future and so we welcome any expert who would like to volunteer in teaching and mentoring the ladies. We have also have partnered with 3 other communities in Nigeria, Benin Republic and
Kenya hoping to create a wider reach of connection for the members.

Membership details:

To join women the in tech Malawi community on Propel, an interested individual should sign up via this link

5. Emily Timothy — Community Manager, FemCode Africa (West Africa)

Why community building for women:

For me, community building is not just a profession; it’s a passion rooted in the belief that meaningful connections have the power to drive positive change. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the incredible impact communities can have on individuals, fostering support, collaboration, and shared growth. The decision to delve into community building stems from a desire to create spaces where people feel seen, heard, and valued. Communities are the heartbeat of shared experiences, where knowledge is exchanged, friendships are formed, and collective goals are achieved. I am deeply inspired by the potential to cultivate environments that go beyond the surface, where authentic connections flourish. Through community building, I aim to contribute to the creation of spaces where ideas are nurtured, innovation thrives, and individuals find empowerment through shared journeys. It’s about weaving the fabric of connections that withstand challenges, celebrate victories, and transform individuals into a collaborative force

What makes FemCode Africa unique:

Our community engagement initiatives that have significantly enhanced member interaction and participation across diverse skill sets. We’ve hosted 30+ variety of community events, including hackathons and collaborative projects, that has made the community vibrant and active. Our collaboration with Propel is also something that makes us unique in the sense that we do not just train women, but ensure they get global jobs at all levels.

Membership details:

Women can join the community by signing up using our Propel community link.

At Propel, our aim is to actively promote inclusion by partnering with tech communities to facilitate job placements for their members and connect them with financial services and opportunities with companies like Porsche, Conosco, amongst others through our platform.

Want to be a part of our ecosystem? We’d love to hear from you. Grow, scale and supercharge your community with Propel. Book a discovery call with us and see Propel in action.

Here’s to the women who do incredible work — may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them and celebrate them!

Happy International Women’s Day🥂!

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